30 Day Film Challenge: Day 15 – The Film That Depicts Your Life: Finding Neverland (2004)

Imagination is the key folks, the key to everything!

Day 15 – The Film That Depicts Your Life

Finding Neverland (2004, Marc Forster)

I know what you’re thinking, “Bill, you’ve never written a play nor did you live in England in the 1800s.” People, I know these things, but those aren’t the facts that matter in Finding Neverland, imagination is what I’m talking about. I’ve spent large chunks of my adult life expressing my imagination in different ways and trying to get other adults to release their imagination. One of the worst sins of adulthood is that so many adults feel the need to be serious all the time and to lock their imaginations away. Imagination is creativity, imagination is life, if you aren’t using your imagination in wonderful ways then you aren’t really living. Finding Neverland is a fine film in all aspects, but where it really gets me is in how much it pushes the idea of the human imagination as a wonderful thing. I think the world would be a better place if more people retained their vivid childlike imaginations, Finding Neverland presents such a world.


2 responses to “30 Day Film Challenge: Day 15 – The Film That Depicts Your Life: Finding Neverland (2004)

  1. Melissa/oneaprilday

    Nice. I love Finding Neverland. 🙂

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