Disney Animated Marathon: Saludos Amigos (1942)


Film #6 in the Disney Animated Marathon!

Story By: Homer Brightman, Joe Grant, Dick Huemer, Harry Reeves, Roy Williams & Ralph Wright
Directed By: No One

I honestly don’t have that much to say about Saludos Amigos. It wasn’t a bad film, it just wasn’t a film that grabbed me. My lack of detailed thoughts on Saludos Amigos is tied to the fact that the film didn’t grab me. It was interesting most of the time, but even when I was interested I wasn’t engrossed in what I was seeing. It doesn’t sound like much of a distinction, but it is an important distinction to make, interested but not engrossed.

The animation found in Saludos Amigos was good, but it wasn’t special by any means. No individual segment stood out to me, nor did any new characters created just for this picture. Watching Donald Duck and Goofy is always fun, and that was what Saludos Amigos had most in its favor. I did have fun watching the movie, but it was more along the lines of background fun, you know, the type of movie that if you see it in the background you think, “Hey, that was fun” but you never go out of your way to make sure you pay attention to what’s on the screen.

Saludos Amigos is what it advertises, a travelogue through parts of Latin America that Disney wants to highlight. It is fun, but it is pretty frivolous and not something that will draw you in. There isn’t much to Saludos Amigos, there’s nothing terrible or awesome about the movie. It’s fun, and that’s all there is to it.



Bill #

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