


I probably should have updated this earlier, but here goes.

Bill’s Movie Emporium is a site for reviews, maybe the odd rambling every once in a while, of movies from any year and any genre. It’s a pretty simple concept and I hope to over time populate it with scores of reviews.

I’m not too big on themes, but every once in a while I will devote time to reviews of movies that fall under a certain theme. Some Octrobers are Splatter Time Fun Fest, and that will never change on account of me being a huge horror fan. I will take part in a few different film marathons every now and then as well. I don’t care about spoilers, so know that when you read this site there will be spoilers everywhere!

The only writer (with the exception of the occassional old post from my ex-wife Sarah) you will find at Bill’s Movie Emporium, is moi, Bill Thompson. I’m a fourty something, dude from Wisconsin that loves movies. That’s really all there is to know, I love movies and I love to write about them and thus this site was born.

My earliest online film writing can be found at SecondViews.

Anyone looking to contact me for any reason (feedback, screeners, etc.) feel free to send an email to movieguybill@gmail.com.


road to perdition

This is just a quick little note about my ratings because I realize I have yet to divulge what my system is. I use the four star system, so any rating you see is out of four stars. Not that my pitiful ratings matter, but now you know, and knowing is half the battle!


The worst of the worst


It may have featured some decent eye candy or something


I enjoyed maybe one scene


I enjoyed maybe two scenes


Mediocre be thy name


Decent movie, some good performances, but never came together


Good movie, a bit lacking in parts, but an enjoyable experience and a movie I’d watch again


Great movie, excellent acting, story, direction, only some minor flaws


Brilliant direction, acting, story, plot, everything about the movie clicks, I would recommend this movie to anyone

There ya go, now my rating system has been revealed and you know all my secrets.


49 responses to “About

  1. Right on, man. Keep on keepin’ on.

    Also, what movie is that image from up there on the header?

  2. That is from Kar Wai Wong’s Chungking Express.

  3. Hi,

    We’ve browsed through your reviews and thought that they are really original and interesting! We would like to invite you to publish your reviews on 7tavern.com, which provides an alternative platform for promising movie reviewers to showcase their talents. In addition, you’ll find a growing community of bloggers who share the same passion for excellent movies! Based on the merit of your reviews, we intend to offer you exclusive publishing privileges on our website!

    Please feel free to contact us to discuss our proposal. =)

    7tavern Team

  4. Thanks for the offer, I always take a while to think over anything like this, but I will get back to you on it.


  5. Hi Bill,

    I was browsing the internet as I usually do and I was really really surprised when while reading a review on your site, I look up and see an image of Chungking Express as your main header.
    Not only is this one of my all time favourite movies, I know no-one, either online or off, who knows about this film. You’re from Illinois (not form China) hence this also added to it.

    My name is Christopher, Im from Oxford England, stay in touch, and let me know how you came across that film = )

    All the best with the site.


  6. Hello Chris, glad to have you aboard. I came across Chungking Express thanks to the Filmspotting message boards, check out the link on the right hand side. There are a few of us over there who love Chungking and gasp, there are even a few who ave seen Chungking and weren’t super impressed.

    Don’t know if you’ve gotten to it yet, but I even wrote a review of Chungking for this blog.

    Either way, welcome aboard and I hope you stick around.

  7. Sorry to send this through your comments but I could not find any other way to contact you. We just launched a movie ranking site, Rankography.com and many movie bloggers are signing up. At RG you can create a profile with a description of and quality link to your site.

    At RG, the users create categories, ranking movies in their favorite categories and browse other members rankings to discover movies they did not know. Hope you will come check it out and join.

  8. Hi there,

    I work for Queen’s Film Theatre (http://www.queensfilmtheatre.com) in Belfast, Northern Ireland’s foremost independent cinema. We’re currently trying to make new friends in the blogosphere and I thought now would be a good time to introduce QFT and what we do.

    QFT is the only specialised cinema exhibitor in Belfast dedicated to showcasing independent, classic and world cinema and reflecting cultural diversity. Many of QFT’s screenings are exclusive within Northern Ireland and offer local audiences the only real alternative to the multiplex. Without QFT, audiences would have to travel to Dublin for any similar cultural cinema experience.

    Here is an online copy of our April-May programme (http://reach.inm.com/viewer/index.asp?fileName=390/QFT%20Programme%20-%20April%20-%20May%202011%20-%20FINAL.pdf&key=x333930603230303830373233313033383536602D31383530373737333737), which will give you some idea of what we do. If you like the cut of our jib and would like to be added to our press list (*only interesting stuff, promise!), please email me back putting YES in the subject line. If you’d prefer not to hear from us again, please email me back putting NO, THANKS in the subject line.

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Sarah Hughes

    Press and Marketing Officer
    Queen’s Film Theatre
    Head Office
    8 Fitzwilliam Street
    Belfast BT9 6AW

    Tel: 028 9097 1398
    Mob: 07905 276399
    Fax: 028 9097 1336
    Email: s.hughes@qub.ac.uk


    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20421882283
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/QFTBelfast

  9. Howdy! Just stumbled onto your site while looking up movie review sites, because I’ve started my own this year (7 reviews and almost no traffic, but it’s something I do more because like you, I love films and love writing & talking about them), and I’ve gotta say, I think your site is outstanding – just shows what I might one day create with a lot more time and a little more HTML knowledge. You’re on my favourites bar and I’ll be sure to pop back to see what you think of any films I watch / review in the future. Keep it up!

  10. Tonto – Sounds interesting, but I think I’ll pass.

    Sarah – Sounds great, but seeing as I’m nowhere near your theater I’ll have to take a pass on your offer.

    David – Thanks man, I’ll be sure to check out your blog soon. 🙂

  11. Hello, fellow LAMB. Just wanted to let you know that The LAMMYs are coming up and we are hoping for the best voter turnout for the nominations ever. Every LAMB #1-900 is eligible to vote (and to win!), and that includes you. To participate, please go to this site: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/521956


  12. Already voted my friend. 🙂

  13. Hey, can’t find any contact info on your site – which I’ve just been enjoying. Can you locate mine on http://www.subtitledonline.com and drop me a message please?

  14. Yeah, will do, and just in case you do read this, I can be contacted at,


  15. Hi Bill, liking the blog alot. If you like the darker side of cinema you might like my short horror film, mobile phone app – Popcorn Horror (Android/iPhone) Basically I wanted to create kick ass horror scares on the go.
    Always looking for recommendations for shorts and to find people to write nice things about the app.

    Check it out if you get the chance.

  16. Thanks for stopping by, and when the day comes that I finally get a smart phone I will be sure to check out your app. 🙂

  17. Happy Birthday Bill! Hope you have a wonderful day. Hello to the family. 🙂

  18. Thanks Sandy, and hello to your family as well. 🙂

  19. Will do. 🙂

  20. You don’t have a contact section, so I’m posting this here. I’ve been trying to find a way to get you to re-visit the Filmspotting Forum, since you left. If this post doesn’t work then I give up. It was written by Oldkid…


    The site has been a lot more friendly over the last four months and a lot of us would like to have you return. The adversarial atmosphere has disappeared completely, probably boosted by the disappearance of a certain child’s pet. (wink!)

    Hope it works!

  21. I’ll give it a look Ant, and we’ll see. At this point it’s not even an anti-those boards thing, I’ve just enjoyed not posting at message boards in general. But, never say never, and I appreciate your continued desire and efforts to get me back. 🙂

  22. Thanks Meera, I’ll have to try and get to this sometime soon.

  23. meeradarjiyr1

    Your welcome…Look forward to it!

  24. Would be really grateful if you could please review the new short film It’s No Game on your excellent website.

    Below, has been given you links to an imbd page for information and a facebook page for any images you may wish to use. There is also included a synopsis of the film so that you know what you’re getting yourself in for. We have also inserted a presspack for you to enjoy.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    It’s No Game

    A Supernatural, Black Comedy.

    Written and Directed by Gideon Blackman.

    After being hit and killed by a car Michael comes face-to-face with the not-so-angelic Mr.G. Unable to accept his fate, Michael begs Mr.G for a second shot at life, who grants his wish by giving Michael possession of the body of his ex-girlfriend, Janice.

    For the film please click below.

    For more information concerning the making of the film please click below.


    For any images from the film please click below.


    Again, thank you for your time.

    Also could you please email back as soon as you’ve seen the film.

    Thank you.

    Gideon Blackman
    Director/Producer/Writer- It’s No Game.

  25. Hey Gideon,

    Sure, I’ll watch and review your shot at some pint in the near future. And while I greatly appreciate any screeners that come my way, in the future I’d also appreciate it if you would contact me through email as opposed to leaving a comment on here. Said email can be found on this very page. Cheers. 🙂

  26. Hi Bill.

    Yes sorry, could not find it until now. I will forward the same email to the email you gave.

    Thank you for your time.

  27. No worries, I appreciate the understanding.

  28. Wow! The sheer volume of films watched is extremely impressive! Love it!

  29. OK, I had to do this. A clown with a pitchfork made me. Clowns bother me not, but I’m deathly afraid of pitchforks. Sooo:

    Who Knew I Was “Popular”? The Versatile Blogger Award STRIKES!

  30. Thanks for this, I’ll try to get to it, but with my work schedule it might take me a while.

  31. Oh, take your time. I only got my own post in because some stuff I was working on went kablooie (as in it got wiped out) and getting that VBA post done kept me busy and made me NOT beat my head in with a blunt object.


  32. I feel you on that one, nothing worse than losing stuff you’ve been working on.

  33. Hey Bill, just wanted to apologize for using your name in that thread over at Filmspotters. I wasn’t trying to drag you into anything, I was just venting on how you were right about the atmosphere over there. Once again, sorry.

  34. No problems man, I may have made it seem like it irked me. It didn’t, that was just my tone not coming across right and choosing the wrong topic to post in. It was just weird is all, but not in a bad way, in a funny way. 🙂

  35. Happy Birthday Bill!

  36. Hey, if it’s your birthday to-day, we’re in the same boat (hopefully rowing in the same direction!). Happy Birthday!

  37. Indeed, it is my birthday today, and thank you both for the continued support 🙂

  38. I didn’t know where to exactly place this but I wanted to say how wonderful it is to find another human being who devotes as much words to the career of Uwe Boll as I do. Great reads and strong reviews all around. Enjoy the cut of your gib, good sir.

  39. Ha, I do love me some Boll. Simply put, there is always a place in cinema for someone who makes fun movies that are pretty terrible. That’s Boll for me, and I almost always enjoy his movies.

    Thanks for reading.

  40. Thanks to growing up on MST3K, I have a healthy love for bad movies. Boll can achieve this, though not always (I’ve reviewed every one of his English language films, adding up to like 50,000 words). The Room for my money is the one to beat, even if people think it passe at this juncture. I have never been more fascinated with a bad movie. Cheers.

  41. The Room is a great one. But, BloodRayne may be my favorite bad movie, awful and fun in so many ways.

  42. BloodRayne is perhaps the most fun Boll movie. Although In the Name of the King rivals it for sheer insanity.

  43. Another one that I am very fond of. 🙂

  44. On the Tomato Meter scale, you score 100%. Are you selective in what gets posted? Twenty-five replies in 6 years (including birthday wishes) is not earth shattering, you know.

  45. Thanks for the condescending remarks, greatly appreciated!! Seriously though, thirty something comments on a simple About page that I haven’t updated in years for a blog that is quite tiny in scope and reach, I’ll take it. May be small potatoes for a big timer such as yourself, but on this here little blog (where any and all comments are published and responded to) any comment number is a good number.

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