Tag Archives: canada

Splatter Time Fun Fest 2015: The Babadook (2014)

Screenshot 2015-10-25 09.18.40

When there is no atmosphere what is left?

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Review: Man of Steel (2013)

man of steel

I’m a man of an aging body, so far removed from steel I be!

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Review: Assault On Wall Street (2013)

assault on wall street

Bankers, scum of the Earth they be, no?

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This Week In Cinema: January 05-11, 2014

pas de deux

I’m about as far removed from graceful as one can get!

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This Week In Cinema: November 24-30, 2013

what maisie knew

Lots of people dying in space lately, what the heck!

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Retro Week In Cinema: November 14-20, 2013

the wages of fear

I don’t fear much, but I’m also not a good driver, interesting correlation that is!

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This Week In Cinema: November 03-09, 2013

The Revenge Of A Kinematograph Cameraman

When I die I’d be cool with someone embalming me and using me for a stop-motion animated film. What, is that weird?

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Review: The Fountain (2006)

the fountain

I’m with the people responsible for stopping death, quite the conundrum this creates!

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Splatter Time Fun Fest 2013: Tucker And Dale Vs Evil (2010)

tucker and dale vs evil

It’s a comedy, it’s a horror movie, it’s a romance between two best friends, whatever you want to call it, I call it greatness!

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Splatter Time Fun Fest 2013: Martyrs (2008)


Or, what happens when a movie thinks it’s more intelligent than it actually is…

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