This Week In Cinema: June 03-09, 2012

I want to go to Mars, that’s like totally doable, right?

Only two movies this week, but that’s better than just one,

Total Recall (1990, Paul Verhoeven, United States Of America) ***1/2

A midget takes out an entire room of bad guys with a machine gun. If that opening line doesn’t grab you then Total Recall probably isn’t a movie up your alley. That line, and that scene, grabbed me, and it’s just one of the many reasons why Paul Verhoeven’s science fiction and action film has always been a favorite of mine. The science fiction aspect is truly otherworldly, the action is over the top and intense, and the story is nothing to shake your head at. Then there’s Arnold Schwarzenegger, who gives a darn great performance. He is along for the ride, embracing the more outlandish, silly, and fantastical elements of Total Recall. The end result is a movie that is funny, thrilling, and a damn hell of a good time.

31/75: Asyl (1975, Kurt Kren, Austria) ***

As someone who loves the structure of movies I get a lot out of Kurt Kren’s work. All the same, his work does have its limits and its problems. 31/75: Asyl is great at showing the ability of structure to create chaos, but it’s also quite repetitive. After a while the short does become redundant and tiresome. I respect what Herr Kren does, but I couldn’t shake the monotonous feel from 31/75: Asyl.


It’s Total Recall man, that shouldn’t surprise anyone. I always enjoy the heck out of that movie and this time I enjoyed the heck out of it so much that it easily takes home movie of the week honors. Until next week, watch more movies!


2 responses to “This Week In Cinema: June 03-09, 2012

  1. “A midget takes out an entire room of bad guys with a machine gun. If that opening line doesn’t grab you then Total Recall probably isn’t a movie up your alley.” (cannot stop laughing at this! I love TR, but especially like the way you talk about movies like this one)

  2. Thank you kindly, glad you enjoy the movie and my writing. 🙂

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