30 Day Film Challenge: Day 2 – Your Least Favorite Film: The Animal (2001)

Some people worry about being mean with this category, but bad is bad and I calls them like I sees them!

Day 2 – Your Least Favorite Film

The Animal (2001, Luke Greenfield)

I only recently saw this abomination, but it’s horrendous on a level I didn’t know was possible. There are movies that are hard to watch because of how disappointing they are, there are movies that are hard to watch because of how bad they are, then there is The Animal. The Animal gets its own category, it’s so awful that it physically hurt me to watch it. No joke ladies and gentlemen, I shook my head in disgust so viciously at The Animal that I woke up the next morning with pain shooting through my neck. I can’t even go into details about why The Animal is so terrible, that brings back too many painful memories, but rest assured, it is, as of this moment, the worst movie I have ever seen.


2 responses to “30 Day Film Challenge: Day 2 – Your Least Favorite Film: The Animal (2001)

  1. OMG, I just found out that the guy who directed that movie is also the man who did “The Girl Next Door” (a somewhat decent film with some very bad moments) and that new Kate Hudson crap “Something Borrowed”.

    Oh boy.

  2. Heh, didn’t realize he did The Girl Next Door, I really like that one…

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