30 Day Film Challenge: Day 16 – A Film You Used To Love, But Now Hate: Alien³ (1992)

Opinions can change, sometimes for the better, other times for the worst!

Day 16 – A Film You Used To Love, But Now Hate

Alien³ (1992, David Fincher)

Unlike most people I did not hate Alien³ when I first watched it oh so many years ago. I was such a fan of the Aliens franchise that I was very forgiving of Alien³ to the point that I thought it was a pretty good flick. It wasn’t until I bought an Aliens boxset on VHS, yeah, that’s right kids, VHS, that the true horror that is Alien³ fell upon me. I still don’t know what David Fincher thought he was doing, because whether it’s the theatrical or the reconstructed version, Alien³ is a big pile of hooha. Beloved characters from James Cameron’s Aliens are killed off right away and then Fincher follows that up with an ugly and muddled picture that never comes together in any sort of cohesive way. Call it studio interference or call it bad film making, whatever you want to call it the final result is that Alien³ is a film I used to like that I now hate.


One response to “30 Day Film Challenge: Day 16 – A Film You Used To Love, But Now Hate: Alien³ (1992)

  1. Pingback: Man, I Love Films – LAMBCAST #107: FRANCHISE LOOK-BACK ALIEN

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