30 Day Film Challenge: Day 26 – Your Favorite Foreign Language Film: Letters From Iwo Jima (2006)

A bit of a shocking choice for this category, but it fits!

Day 26 – Your Favorite Foreign Language Film

Letters From Iwo Jima (2006, Clint Eastwood)

I could have chosen any number of films for this category, and for a while my mind was set on one in particular. Then it dawned on me that for as worthy as the title I initially thought of may have been, there’s something even more special about Letters From Iwo Jima. Technically it is Clint Eastwood’s best picture, highlighting his economical style while at the same time bringing a bit of flare with the monochrome coloring and wide open framing that populates the film. The performances are superb, the setting is handled wonderfully, and the story is compelling. Letters From Iwo Jima has a surprisingly foreign sensibility to it, while it is very much an American film it never truly feels like it is. It may not be the first film you think of when you think of foreign language films, but Letters From Iwo Jima should be, it’s a picture of that level of quality.


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