This Week In Cinema: May 05-11, 2013

halloween h20: 20 years later

By this point, I think Michael Myers needs to just let his family go and move on!

Only two movies this week,

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998, Steve Miner, United States Of America) ***

A mite too slick, but still a decent slasher film. The problem with Halloween H20: 20 Years Later is that it wants the slow build of the original Halloween, but it also wants the tropes that would later go on to define the slasher subgenre of horror. It’s never able to meld those two approaches as successfully as I had hoped, but the film still delivers in some ways. The kills are actually pretty neat this time around, and I liked the way that the film toyed with the past films and managed to link them in without going overboard. The ending was a bit too much, and Halloween H20: 20 Years Later does reek of the Scream influence of Kevin Williamson, but not enough to completely detract from the decent slasher elements.

Halloween: Resurrection (2002, Rick Rosenthal, United States Of America) *

I’m not sure when I realized that Halloween: Resurrection was complete garbage. It could have been when the film killed off Laurie Strode in mind numbingly stupid fashion. It could have been when Busta Rhymes showed up, in a movie, as an actor. It could have been when Rick Rosenthal started implementing an awful shaky cam technique. It probably was when Mr. Rhymes started beating the shit out of Michael Myers using kung fu. It also probably could have been when the one idiot kid kept saying that Michael was a killer because of his diet. Or, it most likely was when a group of kids at a party went from thinking the reality set-up was fake to thinking it was real without any reason to do so. I probably realized that Halloween: Resurrection was garbage during any of those moments, because this film was garbage through and through.


There’s not much more to write this week, other than Halloween H20: 20 Years Later takes home movie of the week honors. And, until next week, watch more movies!


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