This Week in Cinema: March 09-15, 2014

veronica mars

Hey, I still write this column after all!

Only one movie this week,

Veronica Mars (2014, Rob Thomas, United States of America) ***1/2

I’ll admit it right off the bat, I’m a huge fan of the television show, Veronica Mars. It should come as no surprise then that my review of the film is a tad biased. I’m okay with that though, because I firmly do believe that this is a great movie and that the few flaws it does have are breezed over by the love I bring from the television series. I loved being back in this world, spending time with these characters, and seeing how they had progressed or stayed the same. The mystery is really well done, and the relationship dynamics are handled about as deftly as one should expect from a Rob Thomas production. Overall, a great movie that came from a great TV series, and I do hope there’s more coming down the pipeline.


Only one movie means Veronica Mars takes home movie of the week honors with no opposition. Until next week, watch more movies!

Bill Thompson

5 responses to “This Week in Cinema: March 09-15, 2014

  1. I watched Veronica Mars through VOD, and I had a lot of fun with it. It was pretty much what I expected, but that’s hardly a bad thing since I’m a big fan of the series. I have a feeling this isn’t the last we’ll see from the Neptune characters.

  2. I have the same feeling as well, and this is one of the rare instances where I think continuing the universe of a dead TV series is a great idea and working out swell.

  3. Hello.

    Do you still review short films for your week in cinema reviews?? Thank you!!

  4. Yep, I do. I think I got your email about your short film a few weeks back. Sorry I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I’ve been burned out on films so I’m taking a sort of mini-break from reviewing to recharge the batteries a bit. I’ll get to it sometime soon, hopefully.

  5. That’s fine. Thank you.

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