30 Day Film Challenge: Day 27 – Your Favorite Independent Film: Elephant (2003)

This is a very wide open category, I mean, what really is an independent film nowadays?

Day 27 – Your Favorite Independent Film

Elephant (2003, Gus Van Sant)

I was floored the first time I watched Elephant, when I got back to it a few years later I was floored again. Elephant is full of the mood and atmosphere that has come to define Gus Van Sant as a filmmaker, and it was the first time I was exposed to Mr. Van Sant’s questioning nature. Mr. Van Sant provides no answers because he realizes that his images present a picture from which no answers can be gleaned. It may sound pretentious to say, but Elephant is life as we know it. A series of moments from which we can decide to assume but our assumptions are not the truth. If you look for answers in Elephant you will walk away confused, but if you let the movie wash over you then you will have experienced the very best kind of film making.


2 responses to “30 Day Film Challenge: Day 27 – Your Favorite Independent Film: Elephant (2003)

  1. Excellent choice, as always. One of my favorite films.

  2. Thanks, Elephant has been a favorite of mine since I first watched it.

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